Lombardy, where we are, but all of Italy, is dotted with places to drink and eat: bars, cafes, clubs, bistros, restaurants, wine bars and cellars, farmhouses, hotels. The quality and type of the offer, very varied.
Many can be the parameters by which to judge: quality of raw materials and products, skill and imagination of cooks, chefs or bartenders, level of service, architecture and aesthetics of the place, landscape context .
Far from thinking, with this section, to give comprehensive advice on the great world of Italian catering and to promote and reject some spaces – because it is not our job – we will try to tell you about the experiences we have had.
Our desire is making you curious and give you the desire to experiment with food, discover places and meet people who in some ways we have found particular and worthy of attention.
We will bring you into the home of emerging chefs discovered by our Toni Sàrcina, in experimental places often suggested by Chiara Caprettini or in traditional clubs and restaurants that we have tried directly in the working or bourgeois version.
We will be curious, of course, to know your opinions in the case of places you already know as to have your own judgment in the event you decide to go and test them after discovering them here.
Eating is a pleasure, eating out a double pleasure, because we allow ourselves the luxury of doing nothing, but often happen to be extremely disappointed or with excessively light pockets. Sharing opinions and experiences, as is already done on the net, is fundamental.
For this we go further: if you have bars, clubs, taverns, restaurants to recommend, do not hesitate! Write us your experiences and we will be happy to add them to ours, at your signature.