Functional foods, food quality and safety, foodomics, food allergens, milk and dairy, cereals


Pasquale Ferranti is Professor in Food Science and Technology  at the Department of Agriculture (University of Naples Federico II). He has carried out full-time research at the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College of Technology, London. He has a consolidated research experience in the field of agronomical and food science, certified by a large number of publications and scientific collaborations with international research groups. His research group has developed a series of ‘omic’-based strategies for the identification and quantification of animal biomarkers and of functional biomolecules in food matrices. The most recent activity is also focused on the applications of ‘omic’ platforms to livestock productivity and breeding and to quality and safety certification of the derived foods. The laboratory of functional ‘omics’ is equipped with state-of-art analytical instruments such as electrospray and MALDI mass spectrometers, Q/TOF tandem MS, triple quadrupole electrospray HPLC-MS instruments.





professore associato

Università degli Studi
di Napoli “Federico II”

Dipartimento di Agraria


Indirizzo: parco Gussone, 80055 Portici (NA)
tel. +39 (0) 81 2539359


  • Ferranti P, Nitride C, Nicolai MA, Mamone G, Picariello G, Bordoni A, Valli V, Di Nunzio M, Babini E, Marcolini E, Capozzi F (2014) In vitro digestion of Bresaola proteins and release of potential bioactive peptides, Food Research International, Available online at
  • Gallo M, Vinci G , Graziani G, De Simone C, Ferranti P, (2013) The interaction of cocoa polyphenols with milk proteins studied by proteomic techniques, Food Research International, 54 (1): 406-415.
  • Saavedra L., Hebert E.M., Minahk C., Ferranti P. (2013), An overview of “omic” analytical methods applied in bioactive peptide studies, Food Research International 54 (1):  925-934,
  • Ferranti P, Fabbrocino S, Chiaravalle E, Bruno M, Basile A, Serpe L, Gallo P (2013)  Profiling microcystin contamination in a water reservoir by MALDI-TOF and liquid chromatography coupled to Q/TOF tandem mass spectrometry, Food Research International, 54 (1): 1321-1330.
  • Picariello G, Ferranti P, Garro G, Manganiello G, Chianese L, Coppola R, Addeo F. (2014) Profiling of anthocyanins for the taxonomic assessment of ancient purebred V.  vinifera red grape varieties. Food Chem. 146:15-22.
  • Nicoletti R, Ferranti P, Caira S, Misso G, Castellano M, Di Lorenzo G, Caraglia M. (2014) Myrtucommulone production by a strain of Neofusicoccum austral endophytic in myrtle (Myrtus communis). World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 30(3):1047-1052


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